Please join us for our holy day observances
. Check the Calendar tab in the banner above for specific times and venues.
The Baha’i Day
The Baha’i day begins at sunset.
Find sunrise/sunset time for any date.
You can add Baha’i Holy Days, Feasts, and festival dates to your iCAL and Google calendars here. This site also offers a date searchable Badi calendar by Baha’i month.
Holy Days, Commemorations & Feast days
Baha’is follow the Badi Calendar which consists of 19 months of 19 days each. The calendar begins in 1844, so we are currently in the year 180 B.E. (Baha’i era), from 20 April 2023 – 20 April 2024.”The Bahá’í day ends and a new one begins at sunset; consequently, the day on which a Feast or Holy Day is observed begins at sunset of the day before the Gregorian calendar dates.”
The adoption of a new calendar in each dispensation is a symbol of the power of Divine Revelation to reshape human perception of material, social, and spiritual reality. Through it, sacred moments are distinguished, humanity’s place in time and space reimagined, and the rhythm of life recast. — The Universal House of Justice
Holy Days – 180 B.E. (2023-2024)
Naw Ruz | 1 Baha | 21 March 2023 |
First Day of Ridvan | 13 Jalal | 21 April |
Ninth Day of Ridvan | 2 Jamal | 29 April |
Twelfth Day of Ridvan | 5 Jamal | 2 May |
Declaration of the Bab | 8 ‘Azamat | 24 May |
Ascension of Baha’u’llah | 13 ‘Azamat | 29 May |
Martyrdom of the Bab | 17 Rahmat | 10 July |
Birth of the Bab | 10 Qudrat | 16 October |
Birth of Baha’u’llah | 11 Qudrat | 17 October |
Day of the Covenant | 4 Qawl | 26 November |
Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Baha | 6 Qawl | 28 November * observed at 1:00 a.m. |
Other Observances – 173 B.E.
Ayyam-i-Ha | 1-4 Ayyam-i-Ha | 26-29 February 2024 | |
Month of Fasting | 1-19 ‘Ala | 1-19 March 2024 |
Baha’i Feast Days – 180 B.E.
Baha (Splendor) | 1 Baha | 21 March, 2023 |
Jalal (glory | 1 Jalal | 9 April |
Jamal (Beauty) | 1 Jamal | 28 April |
Azamat (Grandeur) | 1 ‘Azamat | 17 May |
Nur (Light) | 1 Nur | 5 June |
Rahmat (Mercy) | 1 Rahmat | 24 June |
Kalimat (Words) | 1 Kalimat | 13 July |
Kamal (Perfection) | 1 Kamal | 1 August |
Asma’ (Names) | 1 Asma’ | 20 August |
‘Izzat (Might) | 1 ‘Izzat | 8 September |
Mashiyyat (Will) | 1 Mashiyyat | 27 September |
‘Ilm (Knowledge) | 1 ‘Ilm | 16 October |
Qudrat (Power) | 1 Qudrat | 4 November |
Qawl (Speech) | 1 Qawl | 23 November |
Masa’il (Questions | 1 Masa’il | 12 December |
Sharaf (Honour) | 1 Sharaf | 31 December |
Sultan (Sovereignty) | 1 Sultan | 18 January, 2024 |
Mulk (Dominion) | 1 Mulk | 7 February |
‘Ala’ (Loftiness) | 1 ‘Ala’ | 1 March |
Naw Ruz is the Baha’i New Year. Ridvan is the 12 day Most Great Festival marking Baha’u’llah’s declaration. The days of Ayyam-i-Ha are a time of hospitality and gift-giving. The Baha’i month of ‘Ala is the period of fasting when we abstain from food and drink during daytime hours.
Badi Calendar Resources
Watch an excellent 15 min video explanation of the history and meaning of the Badi Calendar.
A wealth of information about the Badi Calendar, its development, its relationship to the lunar and solar calendars, and useful tools can be found at Badi Calendar Tools on Facebook.
Download the Baha’i World Volume XIII, pp 749-52 – Badi Calendar and Dates…
Sunrise – sunset calculator – Scroll down the page to find a calculator for any given day/month/year.
Add the Baha’i Holy & Feast days to your Chrome browser – Badi Calendar dates for Chrome.